Surah Az-Zukhruf (43): Read Online and Download - English Translation

This page contains all verses of surah Az-Zukhruf in addition to Interpretation of all verses by Arberry (A. J. Arberry). In the first part you can read surah الزخرف ordered in pages exactly as it is present in the Quran. To read an interpretation of a verse click on its number.

Information About Surah Az-Zukhruf

Surah Az-Zukhruf
سُورَةُ الزُّخۡرُفِ
Page 489 (Verses from 1 to 10)

Listen to Surah Az-Zukhruf (Arabic and English translation)

Tafsir of Surah Az-Zukhruf (Arberry: A. J. Arberry)

English Translation

Ha, Meem.

English Transliteration


Ha Mim

English Translation

By the clear Book,

English Transliteration

Waalkitabi almubeeni

By the Clear Book,

English Translation

Indeed, We have made it an Arabic Qur\'an that you might understand.

English Transliteration

Inna jaAAalnahu quranan AAarabiyyan laAAallakum taAAqiloona

behold, We have made it an Arabic Koran; haply you will understand;

English Translation

And indeed it is, in the Mother of the Book with Us, exalted and full of wisdom.

English Transliteration

Wainnahu fee ommi alkitabi ladayna laAAaliyyun hakeemun

and behold, it is in the Essence of the Book, with Us; sublime indeed, wise.

English Translation

Then should We turn the message away, disregarding you, because you are a transgressing people?

English Transliteration

Afanadribu AAankumu alththikra safhan an kuntum qawman musrifeena

Shall We turn away the Remembrance from you, for that you are a prodigal people?

English Translation

And how many a prophet We sent among the former peoples,

English Transliteration

Wakam arsalna min nabiyyin fee alawwaleena

How many a Prophet We sent among the ancients,

English Translation

But there would not come to them a prophet except that they used to ridicule him.

English Transliteration

Wama yateehim min nabiyyin illa kanoo bihi yastahzioona

but not a Prophet came to them, without they mocked at him;

English Translation

And We destroyed greater than them in [striking] power, and the example of the former peoples has preceded.

English Transliteration

Faahlakna ashadda minhum batshan wamada mathalu alawwaleena

so We destroyed men stronger in valour than they, and the example of the ancients passed away.

English Translation

And if you should ask them, "Who has created the heavens and the earth?" they would surely say, "They were created by the Exalted in Might, the Knowing."

English Transliteration

Walain saaltahum man khalaqa alssamawati waalarda layaqoolunna khalaqahunna alAAazeezu alAAaleemu

If thou askest them, 'Who created the heavens and earth?' they will say, 'The All-mighty, the All-knowing created them.'

English Translation

[The one] who has made for you the earth a bed and made for you upon it roads that you might be guided

English Transliteration

Allathee jaAAala lakumu alarda mahdan wajaAAala lakum feeha subulan laAAallakum tahtadoona

He who appointed the earth to be a cradle for you, and appointed ways for you therein, that haply you may be guided;