This page contains all verses of surah Al-Faatiha in addition to Interpretation of all verses by Yusuf Ali (Abdullah Yusuf Ali). In the first part you can read surah الفاتحة ordered in pages exactly as it is present in the Quran. To read an interpretation of a verse click on its number.
Surah Al-Faatiha, also known as the Opening, is the first chapter of the Quran. It is a fundamental part of the daily prayers for Muslims and holds great significance in Islamic worship and spirituality.
The Surah consists of seven verses and is often referred to as the essence of the Quran due to its comprehensive nature and the themes it encompasses. It is recited in every unit of the Muslim prayer, making it an integral part of the daily spiritual practice for Muslims around the world.
The Surah Al-Faatiha is a prayer for guidance and is considered a conversation between the worshipper and Allah. It begins with praise and glorification of Allah, acknowledging His mercy and sovereignty. The Surah then seeks guidance and asks for the straight path, emphasizing the importance of righteousness and avoiding the path of those who have gone astray.
Surah Al-Faatiha is also known for its healing and transformative power. It is believed to have the ability to bring peace and tranquility to the hearts of those who recite it with sincerity and devotion. The Surah serves as a reminder of the importance of seeking guidance and staying on the path of righteousness in the face of life's challenges and temptations.
Furthermore, the Surah Al-Faatiha is a source of unity and connection for Muslims, as it is recited in congregation during the daily prayers, fostering a sense of community and shared devotion. It serves as a unifying force, bringing together individuals from diverse backgrounds and cultures under the common bond of faith and worship.
Overall, Surah Al-Faatiha holds a central place in the hearts and minds of Muslims, serving as a source of guidance, healing, and unity. Its profound message and significance continue to resonate with believers, shaping their spiritual journey and daily practice.
Surah Al-Faatiha سُورَةُ ٱلْفَاتِحَةِ Page 1 (Verses from 1 to 7)